Shayne spent 10 days in Asia on a business trip and we all missed him terribly!!! He got home mid-day Wednesday and came bearing gifts...
Travis loves to play chess and is getting pretty good at it. So he got a special chess set and is so enamored with it! It truly is beautiful. I'm glad he appreciates it.

Cole is not really old enough for such an heirloom quality gift. So he got some Spiderman toys from Toys R Us China. Both boys also got a couple of personalized gifts with their names painted on them, but Cole wanted to pose with his necklace with the Chinese symbol for "Year of the Rooster." You should see him flap his wings and crow to act out his birth year. Funny! I can't believe he wasn't born in the Year of the Monkey...

The effects of jet lag are rough...

The effects of jet lag are rough...
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