Thursday, June 18, 2009

VBS Crocodile Dock

The boys and I participated in our Vacation Bible School this past week. Our theme this year is "Crocodile Dock--Where Fearless Kids Shine God's Light!" The boys had a blast playing and learning all week. Here's a picture of them in front of the "bayou" that was created in the front of our sanctuary!

While Travis was having fun in his "big kid" section, Cole and I were in Rocky's Preschool Playhouse. Here's a shot of Cole in front of Rocky, the mascot for the preschool section.

Since I was volunteering in the preschool section, I didn't get many pictures of Travis. But here's one of him taking a break from grooving to the music during Sing and Play Swamp Stomp!

This is a "Prayer Gator" that Travis created during crafts. It's a clip that's supposed to hold prayers that the kids write down. No big surprise what came to Travis' mind...

Cole and his crew discussing some "God Sightings"

Cole and his friend, Grace during Sing and Play.