Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Rental car...umm, van

We decided that my beloved little Ford Edge wasn't going to accomodate our expanding family.  So literally ON THE WAY to CarMax to get an appraisal and quote Shayne backed it into a pole.  Then promptly went to Brazil.  So I took it to the body shop and looked forward to enjoying one of the benefits of having insurance--the daily rental car.  But when I went to pick up the rental car I felt like I was in an episode of Seinfeld.  They didn't have a car for me ("But that's WHY you have a RESERVATION")  so they put me, an 8 1/2 month pregnant woman in a 15 passenger van.

The boys LOVED it.  Travis said, "Mom, you could drive my WHOLE class on a field trip in this thing!"

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