Saturday, December 12, 2009

Walk Through Bethlehem

Cole and I attended our church's Walk Through Bethlehem this morning. We'd intended to go as a family, but Travis got sick and had to stay home with Shayne. He was so sad to miss, and Cole was reluctant to go without him. But we had a lot of fun, learned some new things and even got to bring home some of the "crafts" for Travis to do when he's feeling better.
We were greeted at the city gate by Roman soldiers. No photo opportunity there...Cole was in too big of a hurry to pass by the intimidating guards. Next, we signed the census scroll and paid our "taxes"--donations of socks and underwear for charity.

Next we met this woman at the well. She explained the importance of water to the city and how it was gathered. She also mentioned that the women at the well had been whispering about a family that arrived and had a baby the night before in the local innkeeper's barn.

Cole visits the herb market and crushes a select few for a sachet.

The potter gives Cole a lesson in working with clay. While we were there, the tax collector came and made a collection. All of the gruff Romans really made an impression on Cole.
Finally, we followed the star and the directions of the townspeople and found a baby lying in a manger.