Sunday, November 23, 2008

Deck the Halls

We spent all day (and I do mean ALL day) on Saturday decorating the house for Christmas. It's always so nice to come home from Thanksgiving and have it all done so we can enjoy the full season. The boys' tree in the playroom went up first so that they could get involved. Their tree is lit with multi-colored lights (kids LOVE those!) and decorated with all the handmade ornaments they've made over the years as well as cartoon characters and other special keepsake ornaments. Cole was much more into it than Travis this year. Travis was much more interested in what would go under the tree than on it. But Cole, in an amazing display of attention span (I knew he had one!) hung almost all the ornaments on their tree. When he was done, we had a beautiful 7 ft. tree with ornaments on the bottom 3 ft. only, sometimes 4 or 5 deep on one branch. But he was so proud! And I quietly spread them out after the boys were asleep. It does look beautiful and it's such a fun representation of all the stages they've passed through already.