Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Bunny Portraits

We went yesterday to get the boys' picture made with the Easter Bunny. A studio has "Bunny Days" every year and I was excited! We'd talked about it for days and the boys were excited too. In the dressing room when I was changing them into their Easter outfits, Cole was hopping around on the floor acting like a bunny and kept saying, "We're gonna see dat bunny!" But when the bunny actually made his appearance (mind you this was a very sedate bunny in a basket that didn't move anything but his nose) Cole absolutely freaked out and wouldn't go within 10 feet of him. There was noooooo way we were getting him in the same frame as that rabbit. And Travis was very disappointed! So the photographer shot them on the bench while the bunny was put away, then she digitally inserted the bunny into the pictures. Pretty cool!

When we were leaving, Cole said, "Bye bye bunny. See you soon!" I guess he thinks the Easter Bunny will still visit after all of his hysterics! When Shayne got home last night he told him, "Daddy, I was scared of dat bunny!" Oh well, we'll try again next year!

Here are a couple of the best proofs.



Amy said...

We are going today to get her picture taken with bunnies and lambs. I am hoping it will go well. I'll keep you posted.