Monday, November 26, 2007

First Deer

Our yearly tradition of celebrating Thanksgiving at the cabin took an exciting turn for Travis this year. As he and Shayne discussed the possibility of shooting a doe on Friday, they practiced how they would position themselves so that Shayne could brace the rifle and Travis wouldn't get hit with the kick back. All was good until a long day of not seeing anything made Travis declare that this would not be the day he killed his first sir, he was prepared to wait until next convinced was he that this would not be the day, that he climbed off of his Dad's lap and took his own seat in the deer blind. Just then, a big doe walked out in front of them. Travis looked at Shayne and said, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" In order not to spook the deer away, they kept their seats and modified the original plan. Travis took aim, fired, and dropped the doe in her tracks! Yea! Unfortunately, Shayne was not in a good position to reduce the kick of the rifle, and when it fired the scope came back and hit Travis above the eye leaving a large gash. Four hours and one trip to the emergency room later, Travis not only had his first deer, but his first set of stiches--six in all! I'm really proud of myself for not completely flipping out...the worst thing I did was offer him extra Christmas presents for being so brave. (A video game for every stich...that was before I knew there would be six!!!) But all in all we're very proud of him. And he's proud of himself as you can tell from the pictures. Unfortunately, as a result, Cole will probably be in college before he gets to shoot!


Ms. Gibson said...

Way to go Shayne!