Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat

We were invited to a fun Halloween night party with lots of kids from Travis' school. That allowed us to trick-or-treat "for real" in a fantastic neighborhood. There was lots of great candy to "score" and fun decorations to "scare." Both boys had a great night!

Cole: Sherriff Woody from Toy Story

(not just a cowboy)

Travis: Clone Troop Commander Rex

(not a Storm Trooper!)

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Grown Up Costume Party

It's a bit of a challenge to find a cute Halloween costume when you're six months pregnant. So I decided to give up on cute and try for funny! I found a Hillbilly Bride costume that came with an inflatible belly--no need! A couple of temporary tattoos and a husband that dressed up from his own closet and we were ready to go!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Cole's Fall Festival

I volunteered at Cole's Fall Festival...always a fun time! I was at the nail painting station...something I never get to do! I wish I'd kept count of how many little tiny nails I painted orange, green, purple and black!

Cole's class getting some instructions.

Look at my prize, Mommy!

Ooooh, good! A whistle!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Crazy Hat Day

Travis' school holds an annual Crazy Hat Day. All the students create a hat to compete in one of a variety of categories. Travis won last year for "Most Texan." This year, we entered in the Animal category. We pieced together a sort of Wolf/Wearwolf hat from some things available at the Halloween stores. I think the result is pretty cool...although not a winner this year.

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

It's a brother!

Myhand Baby Boy #3

Great news for October...
we'll have a third little boy in February!

OB visit with Mommy

As luck would have it...Travis and Cole were both out of school on the day our ultrasound was scheduled. So they got to accompany us to find out the gender of the baby!

They were so good in the OB office. Unfortunately, there was a bit of a scheduling glitch with the ultrasound tech, so we ended up waiting...

...and waiting...

...and waiting...

...and waiting!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

It's Gr8 to be Eight!

There are 3 boys in Travis' 2nd grade class that turned 8 in the same week. So we combined forces and threw a Star Wars themed backyard campout. The evening started with games, pizza, cake and ice cream followed by presents! As soon as it got dark, we projected a Star Wars movie onto an outdoor screen. It was unseasonable chilly--around 50 degrees. But hey, when you're 8 it's just not a big deal. The dads eventually got everyone settled into tents and zipped in for the night. The morning came really early but we had a fire to warm up by and donuts!

Birthday Buddies: Matthew, Travis and Miles

Ten little boys and one little brother!

Taking turns opening presents.

Feeling the Force...if only to stay warm!

Best buddies Miles and Travis...lightsabers at dawn!