Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Mommy, I'm fishin'

Cole fishing in our fish tank with a tiny toy fishing pole. He was sad he didn't catch anything!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Moms and Mateys

The preschool held a pirate themed fundraiser for mothers and sons called, "Moms and Mateys." The boys and I looked forward to it for weeks and had so much fun getting all our pirate gear together. As you can see we went all out with the costumes!

Travis loved the dagger in the mouth pose.

He's also showing off his skull ring, which was

his favorite accessory.

The cutest little pirate EVER!!!

A brotherly sword fight at the restaurant. Our group got lots of stares as our little guys pillaged the patio.

Mommy and her mateys

Our Pirate Crew

We had some swashbuckling fun at Mesa Rosa's patio...then on to the party!!!
Loved Jonathan's hat!
Notice the dagger in T's mouth...again.

The M.O.M. wenches
Brandon and Travis with little Captain Cole in the middle.

Sandy doing her best Jack Sparrow impersonation with cool dude Cruz.
Ginger and her first mate Jace.
Shiver me timbers!
Denise with Ashton

The Ministry of Motherhood crew:

Amy, Ginger, Julie, Denise, Mendy and Sandy

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Strawberry Pickin'

Travis had a day off from school, so the boys and I joined some other moms from our church for a day trip to Sweet Berry Farms, a pick-your-own strawberry patch. We picked over 6 pounds of strawberries and had a picnic lunch. It is such a cool place and we had a great time!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Game Ball #2

Travis got the game ball again in Saturday's tball game. The Knights lost to the Express (not sure of the final score--a lot to a little!) But Travis got some solid hits and is playing really good defense at third. He was so proud of his second game ball--as you can see by the smile!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Hope for Africa Choir Concert

Travis and I attended a very special event at our church tonight. I tried to get some pictures, but we were too far from the stage. It would have been difficult to capture with a camera anyway. These kids were amazing. And I think their stories made some sort of an impact on Travis. Although he was most amazed that he got to stay up way past his bedtime!

From our church website:

The Hope for Africa Children's Choir was an inspiration and a blessing for the almost 1000 people who enjoyed the Wednesday evening concert! First Church was privileged to host the first American concert for the Hope for Africa Children’s Choir. Much more than entertainers, these children, most of whom have been orphaned by AIDS, use the healing power of music and dance to carry a message of hope and harmony across the world.

Buzz Cuts

No, we haven't enrolled the boys in military school (yet!) I took them to get summer haircuts today and wow, are they short! But it's getting warmer here and swimming weather is just around the corner...c'mon SUMMER!!!

Sunday, April 13, 2008


The boys helped Shayne plant a couple of new Live Oak trees on the side of the house this afternoon. Their favorite part was "measuring" if the hole was deep enough by jumping inside it. I got a shot of their height next to the tree's for posterity's sake. I hope we get to watch both boys and both trees grow to great heights!

Boys in Blue

I only chose what 2 of the 3 were wearing to church this morning, but when I saw they all matched, I had to snap a quick pic!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Wild Connections

Travis' class had their first field trip to Wild Connections butterfly farm. It was especially momentous because it was Travis' first bus ride! I got to chaperone, but I had to go in my own car and it was tough to put him on that bus...but he had a blast. Our day at the butterfly farm was filled with a video, a trip through the butterfly house, a picnic lunch and a scavenger hunt.

The butterfly lady helped them find some eggs on the undersides of leaves to mark in their workbooks.

After their workbooks were complete, the kids were given pieces of melon to hold out and try to attract a butterfly.

Got it!!!!!

Our scavenger hunt team...putting the "wild" into Wild Connections!

We had a GREAT day and I'm so lucky I got to go on this trip with Travis and his classmates!!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Bubble Time

One of life's greatest joys...a bubble bath in Mommy's big bathtub!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Game Ball

Travis was awarded the game ball in his tball game today! He is very proud of are we!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Gray's Baptism

While we were in Georgia, we were able to attend our new cousin Gray's baptism. Here's a cute picture of Travis and Cole in the pew at the church...
...and one of all the grandchildren with GG and Grandpa at the reception.

GG holding Gray (4 mos.) and Morgan (3). Grandpa holding Cole (2). McKenzie (5) and Travis (6) on the upper steps.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Being Silly!

Twice in the past week, Travis has said, "Mommy, take my picture!" For some reason, he's decided his silliness needs to be documented. Here are a couple of the random silly moments...notice how Cole just rolls with it!